Action Network

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Who We Are

From 8,000 members in 1903 to more than 500,000 today, the Laborer's Union continues to embrace workers from all occupations throughout Canada and the United States.
Local 405 is an affiliate of LIUNA- the Laborers' International Union of North America- the most progressive, aggressive, and fastest-growing union of construction workers, and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public service employees.
LIUNA members unite through collective bargaining agreements that help us earn family-supporting pay, good benefits, and the opportunity for career advancement and better quality of lives. Members enjoy benefits unheard of for non-union workers.
Members manage their own union, electing officers at all levels and participating in the day-to-day affairs of their local unions. Members set priorities for contracts and are the key in the Union's growth and success at increasing market share. Members often become Leaders of their Local Unions. Local Unions fall under District Councils that work with Regions to serve the Local, while other Local Unions work independently with the Regional Office

What We Do

Local 405 members work in Minnesota and North Dakota performing work in a wide variety of fields that include the building & construction trades, highway & heavy, asbestos and hazardous waste, landscaping, and commercial cleaning.

  • Laborers make buildings safe by removing hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead

  • Laborers serve the public in administrative, law enforcement, hospitals and government agencies throughout North America

  • Laborers provide administrative support to students and faculty at colleges and universities

  • Laborers are employed in movie studios, manufacturing, food processing, maritime, recycling, home improvement, maintenance and other core industrial jobs

What we represent

Government statistics show that the average pay for union construction workers is more than 50% above that of non-union construction workers. Union members are more likely to have healthcare and a pension-- 82% of union construction workers have health insurance, compared to only 46% of non-union construction workers and 77% of union construction workers have a pension plan, compared to only 35% of non-union construction workers. As Union Laborers, we stand together united for an influential voice, earning the respect we deserve on important issues in the political arena.

  • Respect

  • Better pay

  • Access to health care

  • Secure pensions

  • Marketable training

  • Sustainable career path

The Local Union 405 operates under LIUNA’s Constitution, which is subject to amendment by delegates attending the International Union General Convention held every five years. The Union’s programs and agenda are set at the same General Convention through the consideration and adoption of resolutions submitted by Convention delegates and by the General Executive Board.
The staff, including Regional Managers and International Representatives belonging to the nine Regional Offices, assists the District Councils and Local Unions within their regions, and represent the International to each. Members have representation by the Business Manager, Field Representatives and Stewards of their Local Union. The Local Union members participate in an election process to vote for their Business Manager
LIUNA represents a half million working men and women who demand a living wage, decent health benefits, safer jobsites, more successful employers and a unified voice for working people across North America! Members of the Laborers' Union belong to one of the fastest-growing unions in North America. Affiliates to the International are nine regions, 55 district councils, and more than 500 local unions and the Local Union Executive Board.

Resource Links:

LIUNA 2011 Code of Best Practices

2013 Local Union Officer Election Guide

LIUNA Constitution

LIUNA History